Business starts tomorrow NHCA psychology

Second Life

Your story will inspire millions

Second Life is a social project by Dr Pawan Mittal social entrepreneur and mentor to encourage you to share your incredible journey with the world. This platform is free for all.

You can write your story in any language. You will get Inspiration Award if your story is selected. 

You underwent soul breaking, heart breaking or a life threatening crisis, but your incredible journey continued.

You might have gone through midlife crisis, financial crisis, life threatening disease, an accident, marriage, divorce, custody battle, fired from job, business loss, betrayal, mental breakdown, loss of love, etc. Your story will inspire that person who is going through same episode of life. Someone needs to read your story to find THE HOPE. Writing your story heals and releases the burden you have been carrying. 


The crisis could not stop you. The person could not break you. It is your story that will inspire someone going through similar phase. Get your story published here to inspire that one person who needs to hear your story to find hope, to start life again. Your name will not be published if you wish to be anonymous. 

After reading your story people will think how you inspired. You will wonder how you survived.

Your story will inspire millions.

A Businessman who lost everything in a fire
placed a Sign Board :

“Everything burnt but luckily 
faith & confidence
Business starts tomorrow.”

Crisis took away ability to spell ‘Tomorrow’. But could not take away The HOPE

Business starts tomorrow NHCA psychology

Mind of a person whose emotions are numb is like a dry forest. A fickle could ignite it and it burns everything within it. A flood will sweep it away. Animals, birds, trees cannot grow. A dry forest cannot bear flowers and fruits. 

Someone will try to drain you and make you dry. Do not let them win. 


Your mind is a wet forest. It has gone through thunderstorms and deprivation. But it continues to thrive all the animals, birds, trees. A wet forest bears beautiful flowers and begets fruits it deserves. 

Dr Pawan Mittal NHCA

You are fully capable of being happy

You are living a life. Things are supposed to go wrong. Sorrow finds a reason to reach you. You have to find a reason to be happy. You have to find it on this earth, in this life. Don’t wait to be happy in second life. Find happiness in this life. Once you find happiness you realise this is your second life, second chance. 

You are my galaxy painting by Dr Pawan Mittal psychologist NHCA

Things go wrong. You are fired from job, you lose friends, spouse leaves you, children shout at you, people shun  you.

You have to keep going.

Because if you continue your journey when all things fall apart, you become unstoppable.

Villain and hero both suffer same pain. Both utilise their pain differently. Hero wants to use pain to make world a better place. Villain wants to destroy it. 

Hero says I got this pain, I want others to not experience the same. 

Villain says I got this pain, I want others to experience 100 times. I want to see the world burn.

If you become villain enemy wins. 

If you are reading this you are going to be hero. 

A stranger came to your life and became your angel, showed you the path for happiness and peace, helped you find purpose of your life. 

Dr Pawan Mittal NHCA

Someone broke your trust. 

Multiple times.

But you moved on. 

But you helped them when they needed you . 

You are a good person. 

But same thing again.

You are a vegetarian. But this does not stop a lion from eating you

Your act of kindness.

A good deed

You believe you are blessed with good things in life.  Your story will help others to believe in good things again.

You lost everything

Someone did such a horrible thing to you that you lost hope. You lost everything. 

You are now deciding to be hero or become a villain. A miracle restored your hope.

Life threatening crisis

You had an accident, a disease, an autoimmune condition, self harm episode or faced a scenario where you were not sure whether you will survive. But your story does not end. Tell us how you overcame, how you fought crisis and fear. How you survived.

Dr Pawan Mittal marriage counsellor


How your marriage turned out to be biggest mistake of your life. Tell us the story of how you are surviving in the relation. Sacrifices you made. No appreciation you got. The daily struggle. The bond you broke, Child custody you fought. 

Career break

You had to sacrifice your career because of family, children or something else. Either you forgot your dream or you are trying to come back both are inspiring stories. How you are trying to forgive them and accept they did their ‘best’.

Loss of faith

Spiritual crisis is biggest crisis in life. You lost faith in everything, everyone and God 

You lost faith in self. 

Dr Pawan Mittal marriage counsellor

Happy Marriage

If you have a happy successful marriage, ensure to share for others to start believing again. (No one is married and happy). Author dares you to change this perception.

Monster parents

How your parents scarred you for life with their wrong parenting, fights, arrogance, forcing their decisions on you, wrong dreams, fright and abuse.

Surrounded by worng people

How you are struggling to remain sane while handle people in your life; maniacs, hyperemotional, demanding, self centric, arrogant, crazy, opportunist, manipulative, narcissist, psychopath. 

Dr Pawan Mittal marriage counsellor


how your supposedly better half tried to scar you for life, but failed. 

How your spouse turned out to be narcissist, imbalanced, irrational.

Publish your story

There is a person who is going through similar crisis as yours. Your story is for that one person to not give up. 

Your story will inspire. It has been an incredible journey although you cannot see it yet.

This platform is free for all those wish to inspire others. Your story will be published with a dedicate page 

Your name will not be disclosed if you wish to be anonymous.

Your story will get certificate of recognition and you will get inspiration award

Dr Pawan Mittal

Second Life is platform sponsored by Dr Pawan Mittal psychologist, author and mentor  to inspire people with your life changing story. You will get “Inspiration